Thursday, June 28, 2007

Where's Noah when you need him

That comment about Stafford not being affected much by the flooding turned out to be quite misguided. Our house is virtually on a hill, you see - every direction out of our street is more or less down varying degrees of hills (which is why I hate riding home from work, every bastard way is uphill!) but when I went into work for the first time this week on Tuesday, I couldn't help but notice as i entered Silkmore Lane that the lake opposite the shop wasn't where it usually is. In fact, it wasn't even opposite the shop anymore. Let's just leave it at that.

Sale's where obviously down as people couldn't get to the place, but they've been talking about shutting the shop over the weekend if it rains again and they've canceled deliveries, too. They're paranoid about the water getting into the warehouse and destroying everything (where as my approach to this is more 'hopeful') so they had me and Dom shifting all of the massive telly's and putting them on the top shelves in the back. No wonder my fucking backs been killing me all week, it's a wonder neither of us are death from telly-on-the-head syndrome as we staggered up the ladder balancing these wide-screen bastards on our shoulders.

Today's the frantic day-before-departure packing for Menorca next week. I went into town to buy either some 3/4 length trousers, a sleeveless vest or a hat, and got neither so ended up buying a Rammstein Live DVD and a Stone Sour album. I'm not exactly sure where they come in to the whole packing situation but there ya go.


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